100% Eco-Friendly Hosting
Web Hosting Magic cherish customers who make the sustainability of our environment part of their purchasing decision-making process. With your help, we are maintaining our commitment to carbon neutrality in all aspects of our global operations.

Mankind is in the midst of a huge technological leap and major expansion of our civilization.
But even as we seek to explore the far reaches of space in order to understand our place in the universe and ensure the survival of our species/civilization, we have one planet that we truly can call home.
And that place is Earth.
With the rapid ever-increasing population growth and expanding economic/human activities, the stakes couldn't be higher.
While the politicians gamble away humanity fate at the table of their masters, we at Web Hosting Magic (along with our partners) are committed to running our business in the most environmentally friendly way possible.
To prevent the most catastrophic effects of climate change, mankind should aim to limit global average temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, which corresponds to reducing global annual CO₂ emissions from about 40 gigatons per year as of 2018, to net zero by 2050.
To accomplish this, the world will likely need to both radically reduce the new emissions we put into the air, and remove carbon already in the atmosphere.
As an active Stripe Climate partner, Web Hosting Magic is committed to purchasing enough renewable energy to match consumption for all of our operations globally.
As a web hosting company with eyes on the future, it is our understanding & core belief that we need to protect this home of ours at all costs against anything that threatens it.
For each unit of electricity, we will use as a company, Web Hosting Magic will purchase an equivalent amount (or more) of renewable energy.
And with 90% of our engineering team telecommuting to work, we are also committed to maintaining carbon-neutral operations even among our staff.
By moving our entire workload from a self-managed data center or colocation facilities entirely to the cloud, the net emissions directly associated with our company's compute and data storage has gone down to almost zero.
The data-centers that underpins our operations and host your application uses 84% less power, and taps into a 28% cleaner mix of solar and wind power.
Machine learning capabilities enable the analysis of massive amounts of operational data center data to create actionable recommendations, automated controls and 15% additional energy efficiency.
To us, a sustainable web hosting platform is not only good for the environment, but it is also great for our business and the customers we serve.
We know that you have many things to consider in the hosting platform you choose - price, security, openness and of course, the products available.
The truth is that when you choose Web Hosting Magic to host your website, store your data and develop your applications, your digital footprint is offset with clean energy, which reduces your impact on the environment.
We hope that you too, just like thousands of businesses who have moved to our web hosting infrastructure and reduced their carbon emissions footprint by 88% can find a home for your workload on a hosting platform that truly cares.
Thanks for joining us as we work toward an even greater aspiration: a future where Earth and everything in it are powered around the clock — with carbon-free power.
How does Web Hosting Magic contribute to carbon removal?
Our contributing effort towards this goal is via Stripe Stripe Climate. This allocates contributions towards projects that remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, primarily by purchasing the permanent removal of CO2 at a particular price per ton.
Purchasing carbon removal from frontier technologies is our primary focus, but in some cases, we’ll back other entities that can advance the carbon removal ecosystem. This collaboration is also open to supporting projects that have a path to—but currently don’t offer—a net-negative carbon removal solution. For example, Stripe may fund academic research directly or components of future carbon removal systems, such as “capture-only” or “storage-only” projects (e.g., CarbonCure).
Stripe selects a variety of projects with the help of scientific expert reviewers and use a transparent application process. As is typically the case with a portfolio approach, some projects will deliver results and others may fail. We’re optimistic that the breadth of technologies and organizations we get behind will increase the likelihood that the world has the solutions needed to counteract climate change.
Does Stripe Climate offer traditional carbon offsets?
No. Traditional carbon offsets, while often inexpensive, are unlikely to scale to the size of the climate problem. Instead, we’ve chosen to focus on permanent carbon removal technologies. In the best case, we hope that these projects can grow to provide a material portion of the gigatons of carbon removal the world needs to limit a rise in temperature below agreed-upon targets.
We select carbon removal projects based on criteria we developed in partnership with our scientific expert advisors, and we rely on our public application and review process instead of verifying through traditional carbon offset verifiers.
How is my contribution calculated?
Your contribution for a given payment is calculated as the payment amount times the percentage.
So for a 1% program, a $100 charge would result in a $1 Climate contribution in addition to our standard fees. Climate contributions are aggregated over transactions and debited from our balance 1-3 days later.
Will I receive a VAT or GST receipt for my contribution?
No. This effort doesn’t charge VAT or GST on Climate contributions, so you won’t receive an official receipt for reimbursement.
All Stripe trademarks, logos, or other brand elements are subject to Stripe Marks Usage Agreement.
Want to know how your payment is funding carbon removal?
Click the "learn more" button below to learn more how Web Hosting Magic is contributing part of your payment to help scale emerging carbon removal technologies
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